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so weird its undescribable
light blue+ black

Visual Shoxx
Japan Visual Kei
Kpop Discography
A Beautyful Sentiment


My Boom

Photobucket even if i meet him in my dreams i will only feel lonely when i wake up

Thursday, September 11, 2008
7:21 PM

Ok so today I took my driver's license for the 3rd time. Yeah I know sad isn't it? Photobucket But anyways my grandpa was with me because my parents were off to work. So, I took the test and the way the instructor tested me to drive was alot different then the Fullerton DMV. I saw the instructor marking alot and almost wanting to use the emergency brake twice. So when the test ended I thought for sure I was gonna fail. But it turned out I passed! 90%! I only missed the minor things. YAY!Photobucket But as soon as I went back into the DMV and just got my temporary license [until my real one comes in the mail] I get a text message sent from my friend giving me a blunt and offensive lecture about my talk of moving to torrance later on with my friend. It got me sooo mad like no other. I haven't made a god damn decision yet and she acts like i'm gonna move the next day or something. Photobucketnot only that she calls it don't make another rowell mistake just cuz i'm moving in with a guy maybe. Well my other friend already talked to me about it earlier that morning so her thing was too late. Anyway ok I get lectures all the time but the tone was just insulting. So that was strike one of such a pro and con day. Later on in the afternoon I walk my siblings and cousins to tutoring and we spot a dead dog. It seemed recent so I just told them to hurry up or they be late for tutoring. After I dropped them off I called my friend mishi if she knew wut i should do to get the dog cleaned up.She suggested calling animal control since cleaning the dog myself would make matters worse since I don't know where to put it. Later my mom came home and I drove her to get money from the atm and we drove over to my cousin's house to talk with grandma. After the short chat I drove over to pick the kids up. We had some time so my mom was making me pratice parking.I was about to park when this lady that was backing up wasn't watching where she was going and backed right into me. My mom got out and exchanged and talked with the lady about what she be done about it. The lady didn't want us to report to insurance since she already got in trouble for it before. She offered to take us to her friend the mechanic to get my car fixed and she'll pay for everything. So as the matter was being further discussed; my friend mishi called and we talked about the whole text message thing and mishi was like my other friend already prepared herself for what seems like i hated her. I got mad that she seems ok with our friendship being over.At that moment the discussing about my car accident with the lady was over and we went home. Oh, i.e. the lady was 3 years older than my grandma and was one of those people that are old and liked to dress young. I confronted and talked to my text message friend online and we solved it. Sigh...what a day....

-got my shirt in the mail today
-got driver's license
-got yogurt passion ice cream
-son called and made me happy

-had to see a dead dog and get it taken care of
-car accident
-friend drama
-previous day i had major head ache and felt burn out

-mom yelling at me about her not having any underwear and making me go do the laundry at this time which is 10 pm. which doesn't really matter since i don' care. she is only one who has this problem. always running out of underwhere. nobody else has that problem.

Thursday, September 4, 2008
2:33 PM

Mmm today is first day of school for kids under the legal age. It was kind've boring at home since everyone is at school. But I had Ishu to keep me company. Aha we're such nerds talking about the the marriages in DBZ. Photobucket I woke up like at 11 today. Actually woke up at 8 took the kids to first day of school then went back home and slept for like 2 more hours.Photobucket It was because I stayed up till like 2 in the morning. I didn't do much today since I just woke up washed my hair and chatted on msn till it was time to go pick my brother up. He said middle school was alright. And that in his woodshop class there was annoying mexicans and an 8th grade girl who thought she was so popular. I told him not make racist comments like that and who cares about them. Mind your own buisness and they mind theirs. They're not doing anything to you so just ignore them. Middle school changed alot since I've been there. Kids now have two english classses. Photobucket My little sister's day was just the same as every other year for the 1st day of school. She continued the family tradition of having the same 5th grade teacher as me and my brother did when we're 5th graders. Mmmm anyways just doing not much now. Blogging....and oh! I have my driving test tomorrow!!! I hope I pass. I have to pass. Photobucket Besides that I just got off the phone with my friend and she has to sit next to the most annoying kid ever! He's a black belt teacher at our tae kwon do place. He brags and talks alot. He was in her math class cuz he was apparently smart. Its so sad that she has to put up with him for the rest of her junior year.Photobucket And since I'm not there anymore people started making annoying comments on the way she dresses too. Photobucket Freaking annoying kids. Well at least one thing was good at the end of this day and that was my son called and 3 wayed with both of us! He was talking about how his sister was trying out for a play and he wanted to also but not sure if he could act or not. He tried like random lines that was sooooo cute. He also told us about how every stupid mexican at his school would ask if he's chinese. Again I apologize for sounding racist but thats what he said. Then he asked how me and teresa met and how michi met and such. It cheered me up that my son called. Photobucket

Monday, September 1, 2008
11:54 PM

-the way a guy doesn't smile very often but when he does just for you
-that smirk smile [ex :so ji sub from kdrama "I'm Sorry I love you"]
-when he's tired and just hugs u from behind digs his tired face into your neck
-randomly just props his head in your lap for a nap
-the way he gets embarrased and just turns his face away or looks down like a lil boy who has done sommething wrong
-really cool and bad boy status but a big baby when he's just with his girl
-the way he'll listen to your problems with his whole heart and don't what to say to make u feel better but just give you a hug cuz thats all he can think of to do but then later goes out of his way to fix ur problem on his own
-becomes a klutz randomly out of his usual cool appearance
-very confident in others and himself
-good family-oriented personality
-likes kids
-doesn't care what you look like cuz to him ur his treasure
-smart but modest
-open to things like visual kei and girly-looking guys
-nice if he was my height or taller
-knows how to cook and clean
-who knows how to be real
-knows how to make me laugh
-picking me up when i tell them not to
- Personality
- Sticking up for his girl
- Has somewhat of a girly side
-knows how to fight
-when he says something senstive/sentimental is like words of a genius/philospher
-musically inclined
-Easy and approachable
-direction oriented almost like a gps system
-Doesn't think he's hot. NOt into himself.
-Has an innocent side. But can be hot in sometime.
-Knows when to joke when to get serious.
-When he's doing something he's good at and is serious about.
-can carry a convo
-think my weirdness is cute like my illogical thinking xD
[more to come to when i think of one...]

-porno/sex-related things
-not considerate
-doesn't mean what he says
-drugs like hookah, weed, smoking and etc..
-drinking but once in awhile is ok
-mistreament of girls or just doesn't care
-manner of talking that somehow relates to sex
-narrow minded
-nerdy skinny body type
-say all the pretty things to make ur heart flutter but inside it means zero
-bad hygeine
-no sense of humor
-dirty jokes/sentences
-no ambition/good future
-has a dirty mind (MAJOR turn-off)
-too serious and silent
-Self obsessed and only cares about himself
-cussing excessively
-constantly talking about yourself and not taking time to listen and forever drawing the conversation back to you [self-absorbed]
-self esteem problems
-clingy-ness [stop following me around ;;;]
-eating disgustingly [like with your mouth open and stuff... we don't want to see it inside your mouth!]
-doesn't know when to stop joking around
-huge ego
- very sexual, perverted, tries to get in my pants
-doesn't get along with my fam/friends
-too flirty
-Cockiness or Arrogance
-If he had too many lady friends
-stubborn and unwilling to change their minds
- complaining/pmsing more than me
- too sensitive [a guy has to be able to be caring but not such a wimp that i have to take care of him the whole time]
ultra muffin top beer gut
- hairstyles that don't fit them.
- oily oily oily acne cratered faces
- messy, slobbery, IMMA-EAT-YO-FACE kisses
- bad style [especially super long ripped up looks-like-5-dogs-fed-on-them jeans]
- more into looks/fashion than i am

Sunday, August 17, 2008
9:23 PM

Ok my mom is being a huge bitch today. more than usual. She was looking at my official transcript. Looking it over and looking at the transition in between my years. She askes me "What happen during your junior and senior year? You were so good in freshman and sophmore year. Its because of your korean/japanese things on internet thats why." I get extremely annoyed and respond "Why are you asking now?"
She takes it the her way of thinking which results in her getting mad and saying "Don't give me that attitude! I ask you to do only two things in the house which is laundry and rice. You can't even do that. I have to call for you to do it all the time. While during the day you're on internet all the time with your korean/japanese junk." Then she rants to my dad "I just ask her about her transcript and she yells at me with "Why you asking me now?". She just downloading her japanese/korean junk.I paid for someone to tutor her during those years and she dares to say "Why you asking me now?" Its not the first time I ask you that."

Ugh she just doesn't fucking get it. She doesn't know what I do during the day. Course she can't know since I would get in trouble for having friends over all the time. I clean all day. Dishes, sweeping the floor, mopping and thats like every half hour. Cuz of the kids always making a mess playing. During lunch hour its worse. I don't get to eat till like an hour or 2 hours later cuz i have to clean up after. I'm so tired after everyone leaves and i only sit on the computer for an hour then she comes home. I'm tired so i forget to do things like laundry and cook rice.
And when I said "why ask me now?" she didn't even take a second thought to go into detail with the question and just went to her first instinct. she didn't ever stop to ask "why do like going on it so much?", "What do those japanese/korean things do for you?" and more importantly "is there a hidden reason you go on the computer so much besides for the japanese/korean things?". no she is never that open minded to ask such a thing. she just things her way. its either that or anything else is just wrong. When she is wrong its no big deal. When one of us is wrong its a freaking nuclear explosion. And she always belittles my friends just cuz they don't look nice as the smart people. umm hello its the smart people that gets into drugs and rapes people for kicks.It's because she secretly wants me to think and be like her. Deep down its a secret wish that she is in denial of. Thats why she gets along with my sister so much. Because my sister reminds her of herself when she was young. She doesn't listen and only things that her way is the right way. Doesn't even bother to listen to the other person's story or their feelings. Not even if its her own husband.She just automaticaly thinks that wut she says its the right,and that the other person's side isn't detailed and thought out enough to be right.

Sunday, August 3, 2008
1:34 PM

@.@ I so crave human contact right now. Being surrounded by your family all the time is all dandy and all but I want to talk to non-blood related people once in awhile. Just hang out with people my age range. Get to know more people you know. But my parents have deprived me of the freedom to make more friends with people by keeping me home. I only went out 3 times in a month and they act like i went out every single day. Probably explains why I tend to start buying stuff when I get lonely. Maybe thats why I start to feel out of place and want to find someone to be my umbrella so badly. At least when I'm sad there will be someone there to keep me sane. But so far the more I try to be in pursuit of happiness....I keep getting dissapointed each time. People are always telling me to wait for it to come to you and to be yourself. But what happpens when being yourself is no longer good enuff. And when waiting becomes a blessing that overstayed its welcome? So hungry for something new...and no one even noticing

Thursday, July 31, 2008
3:01 PM

Fwah. Spend the whole day playing my new RPG game "The World Ends With You". Its a pretty good game. Figures since the makers are the same ones from FFX and Kingdom Hearts. Mmm...i been eating so much junk food this week. Ack so not good for my health. @.@ Anyways, my children were suppose to come today! But they had to go to the mall and couldn't stop by. Said come over tomorrow along with my other friend. That might be a problem since I just found out my dad is staying home tomorrow. Errgh....my life is so uneventful...hah..thats what I get for going out too much. Even thought I'm 18.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
2:31 PM

I have a wonderful famliy. A home to go to, a warm smile to come to, and a family waiting for my return. Maybe I was just lonely. Maybe I've always been lonely. Even with a family that loves me. I still felt that way. Don't know why. Even now,I'm just keeping a lid on the feelings I don't want to admit I have.It's not like I can easily give up the feelings of needing him. I want to find the reason to exist. The people in my life give me something to live for. But sometimes I want to search for that someone. The someone who I can say "You're my reason for living" or "I was born for you!". It would be nice if I could say that someday.-Kumori